Registration and fees

Submission deadline: 30 May 2016

Important! We extended the deadline till 14.06.2016.

Conference fee (includes: conference materials, dinner, lunch, coffee breaks)

Early registration (up to 31 June 2016): 365 PLN/ 85 Euro

Students and PhD students: 300 PLN/ 70 Euro

Late registration (after 31 June 2016) : 500 PLN/ 115 Euro

Students and PhD students 400 PLN/ 90 Euro

Bank account of the conference:
Uniwersytet Gdański w Gdańsku,
Bank PKO SA IV O/Gdańsk

PKO PPLPW pl 59124012711111001043682415 subaccount no: K-729

Submit your name and the name of the conference with the transfer.

In case of payments from personal accounts, please provide the data for the invoice: the name and address of the institution,  VAT